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What do you really want out of life? Now what's stopping you?

Friday, January 12, 2007


There are plenty of reasons to celebrate right now. Firstly, this is my 100th post! A major milestone considering that when I started I wasn’t sure if I’d make it past a month. Also, I finally sent out my query letters for my book-so some lucky agent will get the first chance to say yes in the not to distant future. We won’t go into why it took me so long to get it out, but it is done and now we wait for replies. I have done all I can think of to do in getting the letters out, I’ve done my part (there are a couple of other options, like self publishing, but the tried and tested with the big market share for now). Today is also my gran’s 80th birthday, so will be celebrating with her tomorrow. I also celebrate 5 years in private practice this month-time has flown by and I still can’t believe it has been that long. To top it all I just had a call from my sister in the U.K.. It’s a beautiful day.

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